Warm Heart, Cold Nature


Warm and fuzzy happens when my brains clears its anxieties, and stumbling stones. A year ticked past since I cancelled and deleted my photography website. I haven’t used Photoshop in three years. I felt a wind blowing from a new direction up the road, but I hadn’t yet walked into it. 2014 started with a hint of foreboding and a cold heart.

Today I downloaded the monthly Photoshop/Lightroom package, and surprise, the old familiar, organizational friend, Bridge is back. My bloated computer is going to belch occasionally, while my work freezes and implodes into another dimension. I’ll have to remember to save often, and work from copies of originals. Been there, made those mistakes before.

I replaced my point and shoot camera. My goofy horse knocked the last one into the sand during a video session. She thought the round pod bag I use for support was an apple. The last couple of days, into the next few weeks, pics taken will be in on a learning curve. While enjoying the old processing favorites in Photoshop, I’m blending them into my love affair with OnOne Perfect Photo Suite.

Warm and fuzzy came just in time to keep me occupied. Bitter cold weather returned, my brittle temperament feet first to the heating source. I finished two photographs today. Shooting nature is cold, but the work is from my heart and that warms me. I’m finally headed into the wind that’s whispering my name.

Thanks for stopping by again. Let me know what you think. Have a very Happy New Year!


Weekly Photo Challenge:Warmth


Mellow, butter, goldenrod, lemon, cream, canary, primary, and get my sunglasses, yellow

Less than sixty minutes remain of the winter solstice. I don’t celebrate Christmas or New Years. I’m among the group of people in which holidays hold nothing but bitter memories. As mid-summer passes into fall, I count down the days until December 21st of each year. I’m starved for the individual flavor each additional minute will bring to my evening table.

The solstice means I’ve made it through another year. I’ve survived the worst of my imagined and real terrors. Except for the weather, hopefully everything will continue on for another year. There was a time in my life when yellow was my favorite color. I couldn’t be miserable wearing yellow. My living quarters, even without southern windows looked sunnier with a touch of yellow on the walls.

Somewhere along the way, I realized I really don’t look good wearing yellow. Decorating with yellow looked dated past the 1970’s. As life moved on I shifted my love of yellow to flowers, admired golden sunsets on the prairies, and on rare days when I woke early, appreciated the butter soft glow of a misty sunrise.

Today I’ve taken time to break all the rules about photographic placement, color, form, and size. I’ve gone back into my vault and overhauled a few old favorites taken at a Pow Wow in Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin several years ago. The yellow were everywhere. I stopped short of pulling out the yellow-green.  It was a close call, but I’ll save those for another day.

Feel free to let me know what you think of my solstice madness.Enjoy your own mid-winter, or mid-summer holidays, depending on which half of the planet you live on. Thank for stopping by. See you next year!


Weekly Photo Challenge:Yellow